I Beliefs Shiifters shoppen kan du kun bestille ydelser/produkter via vores website. Alle priser er angivet i danske kroner inkl. moms og andre afgifter. Dog tages der forbehold for afgiftsændringer, prisændringer,  udsolgte og udgåede ydelser/produkter, ændring i specifikation i produktet samt trykfejl. Websiden opdateres løbende efter udbud af ydelser/produkter i de aktuelle salgsperioder. Når du handler med I Beliefs Shiifters indgås alle aftaler på dansk.
Hvis du ønsker at modtage en kopi af din ordrebekræftelse kan du sende en mail til info@BeliefsShiifters.dk

Sådan handler du hos os
For at foretage et køb i shoppen skal du igennem 5 trin.
1. Find den eller de ydelser/produkter, du ønsker, og læg dem i indkøbskurven, gå herefter til kassen
2. Indtast dine personlige oplysninger‚
3. Vælg forsendelses/betalingsmåde
4. Godkend vores forretningsbetingelser
Tjek at alle oplysninger er korrekte og godkend købet

Betaling sker via Pay Pal, Dkkort, VisaDkkort, mastercard, Viabill eller mobile pay. Gavekort gælder som rabat og kan ikke anvendes kombineret med andre rabatter eller kampagner.

Fragten varierer afhængigt af produktet pris, størrelse og kompleksitet.
Der er ingen fragt på events og arrangementer, da kvittering fungerer som deltagerbevis.

Modtagelse af ydelsen/produktet
Det er vigtigt, at du tjekker din(e) ydelse(r)/produkt(r), når du modtager din forsendelse. Vi pakker dog altid produkterne med største omhu, så risikoen for fragtskader minimeres.

Du har mulighed for at fortryde dit køb inden 14 dage efter, at du fysisk har modtaget produkterne (gælder ikke deltagelse i events og arrangementer, online forløb eller webinarer, tlf. konferencer og lignende). Du skal blot inden fristens udløb have sendt produkterne retur. Produktet skal returneres ubeskadiget i hel originalemballage. Fortrydelsesretten bortfalder altså, hvis du bruger produktet på en måde, som helt åbenbart forringer produktets salgsværdi væsentligt. Ønsker du at udnytte din fortrydelsesret, bedes du kontakte os via kundeservice telefon eller email, hvor du vil modtage en vejledning. Når fortrydelsesretten udnyttes, skal du selv betale portoen for at sende produktet retur.
Produktet kan sendes til:
Beliefs Shiifters, Åvej 36, 4040 Jyllinge
Du kan også fortryde ved at nægte at modtage produktet eller aflevere den personligt på ovenstående adresse mod forudgående aftale. Dette er med til at lette returforsendelsen.
 Det er ikke et krav, men ekspeditionen fremmes, hvis fyldestgørende informationer følger pakken – Vedlæg derfor gerne kopi af ordrebekræftelse, registreringsnummer og kontonummer for bankkontoen, hvortil refusion kan foregå samt kopi af evt. forudgående korrespondance m.v. Hvis du fortryder dit køb, tilbagebetales købesummen naturligvis til dig ved overførsel til din bankkonto, når vi har modtaget produktet retur og kontrolleret, at den lever op til reglerne for fortrydelsen. Da vi ikke kan gå ind på din konto efter købet er gået igennem, kan vi ikke overføre pengene uden bankkontonummer.

Fortrydelsesret, kurser, uddannelse og online forløb/kurser.

Forhindres Eleven/kunden i at deltage i dele af Uddannelsen/kurset/online forløbet grundet sygdom, skal Eleven melde dette til Beliefs Shiifters Denmark hurtigst muligt. Eleven skal endvidere frembringe dokumentation for sygdommen, såfremt dette kræves af Beliefs Shiifters Denmark. Ved fravær grundet sygdom vil Eleven/kunden blive tilbudt kompensation i form af deltagelse ved undervisningsmodul svarende til det, Eleven er udeblevet fra, alternativt stoppe forløbet og deltage på næste uddannelse, fra der hvor man stoppede. Der refunderes ingen penge.


4.3                 Som udgangspunkt accepteres op til 4 fraværsdage fra Beliefs Shiifters Uddannelsen, dog i medfør af pkt. 4.5. for at kunne opretholde muligheden for at få certifikat.


4.4                 Beliefs Shiifters Denmark forbeholder sig retten til at afbryde Uddannelsen, såfremt Eleven vurderes til ikke at leve op til forventningerne og/eller kriterierne specificeret i Aftalen.


4.5                 Forhindres Eleven i at deltage grundet dødsfald i familie eller blandt nære bekendtskaber fritages Eleven fra pkt. 4.3 i denne henseende. Eleven skal frembringe dokumentation for dødsfaldet, såfremt dette kræves af Beliefs Shiifters Denmark.


4.6                 Ved overtrædelse af stk. 4 vedrørende brugsbetingelser eller Aftalen i øvrigt forbeholder Beliefs Shiifters Denmark. sig retten til at afbryde Uddannelsen uden forbehold for vilkår.


4.7                 Ved en afbrydelse af Uddannelsen/Kursus/Online forløb efter pkt. 4.6 refunderes ingen former for betaling, og Eleven/kunden vil fortsat være forpligtet til at levere den i Aftalen fastsatte pris for Uddannelsen/kunden. Dette gælder også, såfremt Eleven/kunden selv afbryder Uddannelsen, uanset årsag.

4.8                 Tilmelding er bindende  og kan ikke refunderes, kun byttes til næste lignende kursus, udddannelse eller respektive online forløb

Læs iøvrigt den fulde kontrakt, Du accepterer ved tilmelding/registrering og eller betaling af Uddannelse, Kursus, Online forløb her: LÆS HER


Når du handler i I Beliefs Shiifters har du i henhold til købeloven 24 måneders reklamationsret. Dette betyder, at du enten kan få produktet repareret, ombyttet, pengene tilbage eller afslag i prisen, afhængig af den konkrete situation. Dette betinger selvfølgelig, at reklamationen er berettiget, og at manglen ikke er opstået som følge af en fejlagtig brug af produktet eller anden skadeforvoldende adfærd. Der skal reklameres inden for rimelig tid efter, at du har opdaget manglen ved produktet. Hvis du reklamerer indenfor to måneder efter, at manglen er opdaget, vil reklamationen altid være rettidig.
Vi refunderer rimelige fragtomkostninger, som du måtte have i forbindelse med returnering af produktet, når reklamationen er berettiget. Husk at produktet altid skal sendes tilbage i forsvarlig emballage, og få en kvittering for afsendelse, så vi kan tilbagebetale dine fragtomkostninger. Dette er med til at lette returforsendelsen.

Hvis du ønsker at reklamere over et produkt, skal det indsendes til vores adresse:
Beliefs Shiifters, Åvej 36, 4040 Jyllinge, Danmark.
Det er ikke et krav, men ekspeditionen fremmes, hvis du kontakter os, pr. telefon eller mail, inden du indsender en reklamation.
Returprodukter bedes vedlagt information om dit navn, ordrenummer og hvad der er galt med produktet. Bemærk! Vi modtager ikke pakker sendt pr. efterkrav eller lignende.


Gavekortets varighed er gældende i 3 år, fra du modtager det. Der er 14 dages fortrydelsesret på gavekortene. Gavekortene fremsendes pr. post. Der forefindes ingen elektroniske gavekort. Gavekort kan anvendes til det formål de er bestilt, varierende fra sessioner, klippekort, kurser, workshops og foredrag.

Når du handler med Beliefs Shiifters, må du afgive følgende personlige oplysninger:
Navn ‚ Adresse ‚Telefonnummer‚ E-mail adresse. Vi foretager registreringen af dine personoplysninger med det formål at kunne levere produktet til dig. Når der indsamles personoplysninger via websiden, sikres, at det altid sker ved afgivelse af dit udtrykkelige samtykke, således at du er informeret om, præcis hvilke oplysninger, der indsamles, og hvorfor Beliefs Shiifters har adgang til de oplysninger, der registreres om dig. Vi opbevarer ikke kundeoplysninger krypteret. Vi transmitterer ikke kundeoplysninger krypteret. Oplysninger afgivet til Beliefs Shiifters videregives eller sælges på ingen måde videre til tredjemand, og vi registrerer ingen personfølsomme oplysninger.
Som registreret hos Beliefs Shiifters har du altid ret til at gøre indsigelse mod registreringen. Du har også ret til indsigt i, hvilke oplysninger, der er registreret om dig. Disse rettigheder har du efter Persondataloven og henvendelse i forbindelse hermed rettes til Beliefs Shiifters. Personoplysningerne registreres hos I Beliefs Shiifters og opbevares i fem år, hvorefter oplysningerne slettes. Den dataansvarlige på shoppen er dataansvarlig@BeliefsShiifters.dk, Anjasafira.

Beliefs Shiifters benytter logstatistik, hvilket betyder, at der opsamles information, som kan give et statistisk billede af, hvor mange besøgende vores website har haft, hvor de kommer fra og hvor på websitet det forlades m.v. I Beliefs Shiifters shop anvendes logstatistik udelukkende med det formål at optimere websiden og dets funktionalitet.

En cookie er en betegnelse for det forhold, at en brugers adfærd på et netværk registreres hos brugeren selv (på brugerens harddisk). På den måde kan brugeren genkendes, fx på et websted, ved næste besøg. Der lagres ikke personhenførbare oplysninger i en cookie, men snarere oplysninger om brugerens adfærd på en webside, fx brugernavn til login på et website. En cookie lagres på brugerens harddisk sammen med cachede filer. En cookie er således en tekstfil, der sendes til din browser fra en webserver og lagres på din computers harddisk. Du kan sætte din browser til at informere dig, når du modtager en cookie, eller du kan slå cookies helt fra. Det eneste disse cookies bruges til er at genkende din computer. Rent teknisk kan cookies deles op i to typer. Den ene type kaldes ”session cookies” – de holder styr på, hvad du har lagt i din indkøbskurv, mens du navigerer rundt på netbutikken. ”Session cookies” gemmes ikke på din computer, men forsvinder, når du lukker browseren. Den anden type cookie kaldes ”permanent cookie”, og den gemmes som en tekstfil på din computer i ca. en måned. En ”permanent cookie” er med til, at vores server kan genkende din computer næste gang, du logger ind på vores website. 
Hos Beliefs Shiifters anvendes cookies med det formål at optimere websitet og dets funktionalitet, og dermed gøre besøget så nemt som muligt for dig. Du kan til enhver tid slette cookies fra din computer: I Internet Explorer slettes cookies under menuen ”Funktioner” -> ”Internetindstillinger” -> ”Generelt” -> ”Browserdata/Slet cookies”.
 Beliefs Shiifters er dataansvarlig for alle oplysninger.

For at handle i Beliefs Shiifters shop skal du være fyldt 18 år og være indforstået med de betingelser og vilkår, der gælder for handel hos os. Beliefs Shiifters er ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle følgevirkninger ved brugen af produkter og tjenester på vores hjemmeside. Beliefs Shiifters er underlagt de til enhver tid gældende love og regler om produktansvar i Danmark og EU.
Beliefs Shiifters, Åvej 36,4040 Jyllinge Tlf.: 2833 3357 CVR nr 33430558. Email: info@BeliefsShiifters.dk


In these Terms and Conditions, the following definitions apply:

Beliefs Shiifters Denmark a company with its registered office located at Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, Åvej 36, 4040 Jyllinge Beliefs Shiifters Denmark Product or Services (collectively referred to as ‘the Products and/or Services): the products and services offered by Beliefs Shiifters Denmark.

Client: The person or company purchasing the Products and/or Services from Beliefs Shiifters Denmark 

Commencement Date: the date that Beliefs Shiifters Denmark commences provision or payment of the Products and/or Services to the Client.

Conditions: terms and conditions as amended from time to time in accordance with clause 14. Contract: the contract between Beliefs Shiifters Denmark and the Client for the supply of Products and/or Services comprising of the Order and these Conditions. Fees: the fees payable by the Client for the supply of the Products and/or Services in accordance with clause 4. Order: the Client’s order for the Products and/or Services (and any subsequent ongoing Products and/or Services) as set out in the Order Form. Order Form: Beliefs Shiifters Denmark payment form which can be completed online, over the phone, or in person, as bank transfer which sets out the Fees and which incorporates these Terms and Conditions. Service: the provision of and grant of access to the Beliefs Shiifters Denmark Products and/or Services. Privacy Policy means the policy (as updated from time to time) which can be found on the Beliefs Shiifters Denmark Website at www.beliefsshiifters.dk  identifying certain respective rights and obligations in respect of the personal data and privacy under the Contract. Authorised Affiliates means, in respect of the Products and/or Services, the Affiliates of the Client (if any) in respect of those Products and/or Services. Authorised Users means, in respect of the Products and/or Services, the users authorised by the Client to use those Products and/or Services in accordance with the Contract. Client Data means all data (in any form) that is provided to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark or uploaded or hosted on any part of any Products and/or Services by the Client or by an Authorised User. Client Systems means all software and systems used by or on behalf of the Client, the Authorised Affiliates, any of its or their direct or indirect sub-contractors, or any Authorised User in connection with the provision or receipt any of the Products and/or Services or that the Products and/or Services otherwise link, inter-operate or interface with or utilize (in each case whether directly or indirectly). Protected Data means the information and data referred to in the Privacy Policy. Services has the meaning of the software platform Beliefs Shiifters Denmark provides to enable the Client to market to their customers and the database that the Client uses to store their customers details within.


2.1. The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. The Client acknowledges that it has not relied on any statement, promise or representation made or given by or on behalf of Beliefs Shiifters Denmark which is not set out in the Contract. These Conditions apply to the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms that the Client seeks to impose or incorporate or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.   2.2. Any sample materials, descriptive matter or advertising issued by Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, and any descriptions of illustrations contained in Beliefs Shiifters Denmark websites or brochures, are issued or published for the sole purpose of giving an approximate idea of the Products and/or Services as offered by Beliefs Shiifters Denmark. They will not form part of the Contract or have any contractual force. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark is under a legal duty to supply goods that are in conformity with the Contract.

2.3. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark has the right to make any changes or alterations to the nature, scope and content of the Products and/or Services, without notice to the Client, at any time, provided these do not affect the nature of the Products and/or Services.

2.4. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark will supply the Products and/or Services to the Beliefs Shiifters Denmark warrants to the Client that such Products and/or Services have been prepared using reasonable care and skill. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark provides no guarantee that the Products and/or Services will provide any results for the Client.

2.5. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark will use reasonable endeavours to meet any dates in relation to supporting the Products and/or Services (including but not limited to dates for the Client to attend calls) but any such dates will be provisional only and may be subject to change at the discretion of Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, with no liability attaching to Beliefs Shiifters Denmarkin respect of such changes.

2.6. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark will have the right to make any changes to the support of the Products and/or Services which do not affect their nature or quality (including but not limited to: trainers and teachers, call lengths, session lengths, session frequency, session type, session location, training type, training location, venue location, coach/healer/teacher allocated, Facebook group access and content, Members Vault, Kajabi access, Other future systems and content).

2.7. The Client shall (and shall ensure all Authorised Affiliates and Authorised Users shall) at all times comply with all applicable laws relating to the use or receipt of the Products and/or Services, including laws relating to privacy, data protection and use of systems and communications.


3.1. The Client will: (a) ensure that all information given by the Client to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark is complete and accurate; (b) co-operate with Beliefs Shiifters Denmark in all matters relating to the Products and/or Services; (c) pay the Fees strictly in accordance with the payment schedule set out in the Order or as otherwise confirmed in writing or over the phone by Beliefs Shiifters Denmark; (d) not use the Products and/or Services or any content, data or information derived from the Client’s use of the Products and/or Services for any purpose other than that which has been expressly authorised under the Contract; (e) not use the Products and/or Services for any unlawful purpose; and (f) permit Beliefs Shiifters Denmark to include information of video footage on its website highlighting any benefits which the Client or Client’s business has obtained from the Products and/or Services and in this regard, the Client hereby grants to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark a royalty-free, non-exclusive perpetual licence to use any intellectual property rights of the Client for this purpose.

3.2. The Client, for itself and as trustee for any of its directors, employees, agents, Authorised Affiliates, Authorised Users or similar, undertakes to observe the obligations set out in clauses 3.1 to 3.7 (inclusive) and shall fully indemnify Beliefs Shiifters Denmark from and against all loss, damage, costs and claims arising from its failure to adhere to those provisions or otherwise to fulfil its obligations under the Contract.

3.3. Transmission of storage of any information, data or material in violation of any law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, material legally judged to be threatening or obscene, or material protected by trade secret and other statute. The Client agrees to indemnify, and hold harmless, Beliefs Shiifters Denmark from any claims resulting from the use of the Products and/or Services which damages the Client or any other parties.

3.4. Spamming, or the sending of unsolicited emails, using an email address or URL that is maintained on a Beliefs Shiifters Denmark machine, or directing traffic to a webpage that contains any reference to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark is STRICTLY prohibited. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. This action will result in immediate termination of the Products and/or Services without any refund to the Client and could be subject to legal action by Beliefs Shiifters Denmark against the Client. Any service interruptions as a result of Client’s spamming will be billed to the Client at £20.00 per hour until service is restored.

3.5. Importing or in any way using purchased leads with a Beliefs Shiifters Denmark account is strictly prohibited. If the Client has paid money, or in any way purchased a group of pre-existing leads, these may not be used with Beliefs Shiifters Denmark. Only people that have specifically requested information directly from the Client may be emailed through Beliefs Shiifters Denmark.

3.6. The Client is prohibited from transmitting on or through any of Beliefs Shiifters Denmarks platforms or servers, including but not limited to social media platforms, any material that is (in Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s sole discretion) unlawful, obscene, threatening, disruptive, abusive, libellous, hateful, that encourages conduct which could constitute a criminal offence, that gives rise to civil liability, that otherwise violates any national or international law, or that involves the transmission of any pornographic or sex-related merchandise or data.

3.7. The Client shall (and shall ensure all Authorised Affiliates, Authorised Users or similar shall) at all times comply with all applicable laws relating to the use or receipt of the Products and/or Services, including laws relating to privacy, data protection and use of systems and communications.


4.1. The Fees for the Products and/or Services are detailed in the Order or any agreement made in writing or over the phone between Beliefs Shiifters Denmark and the Client.

4.2. The Fees will be paid in full in accordance with the Order, written confirmation from Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, or any agreement made over the phone or with a finance company in accordance with payment for the Products and/or Services.

4.3. All payments due to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark under the Contract shall be made in full without any deduction or any withholding. The Client will not be entitled to assert any credit, set off or counterclaim against Beliefs Shiifters Denmark against any sum(s) owed.

4.4. In relation to payment by installments or a payment plan, payment shall be made monthly on the same calendar day as the date of the Order or as otherwise agreed in writing or over the phone, Zoom or other online call software between Beliefs Shiifters Denmark and the Client.

4.5. The Fees will remain payable by the Client notwithstanding any decision to cease using the Products and/or Services and even if the Client does not complete, access, attend or use the entire Products and/or Services.

4.6. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark shall be entitled to continue processing payments for any monies outstanding using any of the Client’s debit or credit card details previously confirmed to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark.

4.7. In the event of any payment due to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark becoming overdue and unpaid for more than 20 (twenty) days, Beliefs Shiifters Denmark may, at its discretion, suspend or withdraw the provision of the Products and/or Services, without prejudice to any of its other rights as to termination.

4.8. Save as to the cooling off period set out at clause 5, the Contract is non-cancellable and payment will be due by the Client regardless of whether the Products and/or Services are used.     

4.9. The Client acknowledges that they have signed or agreed to the Order through their own choice without coercion or any lawful tactics from Beliefs Shiifters Denmark and are fully responsible for their own decisions.

4.10. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark reserves the right to instruct third party legal representation should the Client fail to make payment in accordance with these Conditions.


5.1. The Client has a limited period, referred to as ‘cooling off period’, in which they may change their mind and cancel their contract with Beliefs Shiifters Denmark. 5.2. The cooling off period will begin from the date of the Order and continue for up to 14 days.

5.3. The Client must give written notice of their cancellation to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark within the 14-day cooling off period.

5.4. The Client must supply written notice of the request to cancel by email to info@championacademy.co.uk.

5.5. If the Client exercises their right to cancel, the Product and/or Services will be terminated.

5.6. If the Client does not request a refund within the cooling off period, the Client is required to complete all remaining payments.

5.7 Beliefs Shiifters Denmark reserves the right to consider refunds outside of the rescission period. If a client has questions about the agreement outside of the rescission period, they should submit her comments to edt@championacademy.co.uk. The Client agrees not to request, advise, file a claim, or seek Client’s bank or credit card company for a chargeback for consideration paid under this Agreement. The Client agrees that any disputes that the Client may have with respect to consideration paid hereunder must be addressed directly between the Client and Beliefs Shiifters Denmark. If a chargeback occurs, the Client shall have materially breached the Terms and Conditions and shall forfeit all remaining services that have not yet been performed under the Terms and Conditions. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark shall have no further obligation to the Client. Further, the amount of the chargeback shall be subject to a finance charge in the amount of one and one-half percent (1 1⁄2%) per month until paid in full by the Client. Further, Beliefs Shiifters Denmark shall be entitled to recover from the Client all damages, and reasonable and necessary legal fees, and costs associated with pursuing collection and/or recovery of the amount of the chargeback.


6.1. Neither party shall be in breach of this Contract nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under this Contract if such delay or failure result from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to acts of God; flood; drought; earthquake or other natural disaster; epidemic or pandemic; terrorist attack; civil war; civil commotion or riots; war; threat of or preparation for war; armed conflict; imposition of sanctions; embargo; the breaking off of diplomatic relations; nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; any law or any action taken by a government or public authority, including without limitation imposing an export or import restriction, quota or prohibition; collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident; any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts; and non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors. In such circumstances the time for performance shall be extended by a period equivalent to the period during which performance of the obligation has been delayed or failed to be performed. If the period of delay or non-performance continues for 6 months, the party not affected may terminate this agreement by giving 14 days’ written notice to the affected party.

6.2. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark will, under no circumstances, be liable to the Client (whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise), for any indirect or consequential loss, special damages, or any costs or losses attributable to loss of profits or opportunities arising from or in connection with the subject matter of the Contract.

6.3. The maximum amount of damages payable by Beliefs Shiifters Denmark to the Client in respect of any and all liability (apart from that mentioned above), including liability arising from negligence, under or in connection with the Contract shall not exceed the amount paid by, or on behalf of, the Client to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark for the preceding calendar month or calculated based on 1/12th of the Fees in the preceding 12 months.


The Client undertakes not to compete or seek to compete, either directly or indirectly or in any other capacity whatsoever, with the business of Beliefs Shiifters Denmark or in the provision of products or services directly competitive with any aspect or part of the Products and/or Services, resulting in actual or anticipated loss to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, to include as to its reputation.


8.1. All intellectual property rights in, arising out of, or in connection with, the Products and/or Services will be owned by Beliefs Shiifters Denmark.  Beliefs Shiifters Denmark grants the Client a revocable, non-exclusive royalty-free licence to use such rights only to the extent necessary to allow the Client to benefit from the Products and/or Services but not further or otherwise and no other rights or licences are granted. Any such rights arising from the Client’s use of the Products and/or Services shall accrue to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark and the Client shall be deemed to have assigned any such rights to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, with Beliefs Shiifters Denmark authorised to act as its agent to execute any such transfer or other documents giving effect to the same.

8.2. The Client, Authorised Users and Authorised Affiliates may be able to store or transmit Client Data using the Products and/or Services and the Products and/or Services may interact with Client Systems. The Client hereby grants a royalty-free, non-transferable, non-exclusive licence for the Client (and each of its direct and indirect sub-contractors) to use, copy and other otherwise utilise the Client Data and Customer Systems to the extent necessary to perform or provide the Products and/or Services or to exercise or perform Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s right, remedies and obligation under the Contact.


9.1. Protected Data shall, at all material times, remain the property of the Client or its licensor.

9.2. Except to the extent Beliefs Shiifters Denmark has direct obligations under data protection and other applicable laws, the Client acknowledges that Beliefs Shiifters Denmark has no control over Protected Data hosted as part of the provision of the Products and/or Services and may not actively monitor or have access to the content of Protected Data. The Client shall ensure (and is exclusively responsible for) the accuracy, quality, integrity and legality of Protected Data and non-personal data and that its use (including use in connection with the Products and/or Services) complies with all applicable laws.

9.3. If Beliefs Shiifters Denmark becomes aware of any allegation that Protected Data or non-personal data may not comply with the Contract, Beliefs Shiifters Denmark shall have the right to permanently delete or otherwise remove or suspend access to any Protected Data or non-personal data which is suspected of being in breach and/or disclose Protected Data or non-personal data to law enforcement authorities (in each case without the need to consult the Client). Where reasonably practicable and lawful, Beliefs Shiifters Denmark shall notify the Client before taking such action.

9.4. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark shall have the right to suspend the Products and/or Services at any time, and for any reason, without notice. The Client accepts and acknowledges that the Products and/or Services can be withdrawn or may be unavailable due to technical and other issues, or as a result of updates, maintenance or similar circumstances. If such a suspension or withdrawal is to last more than 30 days, the Client will be notified as to the reason.


10.1. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark shall maintain the confidentiality of Protected Data and shall not, without the prior written consent of the Client, and in accordance with the Contract, disclose Protected Data other than as necessary for the performance of the Products and/or Services, the express rights and obligations under the Contract, or as required by law.

10.2. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark will disclose Protected Data only to those of its officers, employees, agents, contractors and direct and indirect sub-contractors to whom, and to the extent to which, such disclosure is necessary for the purposes contemplated under the Contract or as otherwise reasonably necessary for the provision or receipt of the Products and/or Services.

10.3. In order to promote and respect the confidentiality of all clients and intellectual property the Client understands that the Products and/or Services, now and in the future, are limited to people who have registered in the respective training. In consideration of, and as a condition for permitting the Client to participate in the Products and/or Services, the Client agrees to not publish, broadcast, disclose, communicate to the public, or assist another to do the same in respect of, the identity, likeness or actual or paraphrased comments of anyone who participates, leads, assists or is otherwise involved in the Products and/or Services.


Beliefs Shiifters Denmark gives no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the Products and/or Services it provides under the Contract. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark also disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or interruptions to the Products and/or Services caused by Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s negligence or the Client’s errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via Beliefs Shiifters Denmark is at the Client’s own risk. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark makes no warranty, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy of quality of information obtained through its Products and/or Services.


The Client will not, without the prior written consent of Beliefs Shiifters Denmark assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under the Contract. For the avoidance of doubt, the Client will not share the Products and/or Services or any content, data or information derived from the Client’s use of the Products and/or Services with any third party without the prior written consent of, which may be withheld.


A waiver of any right under the Contract is only effective if it is in writing and will not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default.


Except as set out in these Conditions, any variation including the introduction of any additional terms and conditions, to the Contract will only be binding when agreed in writing between the Beliefs Shiifters Denmark and the Client.


15.1. Any dispute of legal issue arising from the Conditions will be determined by the law of England and Wales and considered exclusively by the English and Welsh Courts.

15.2. Each of the paragraphs referred to in the Conditions shall be severable and distinct from one another and, if at any time, more and more of such provisions become invalid, illegal or enforceable, the validity, legality and enforcability of the terminating paragraphs shall not in any way be affected or impaired by this.

16. CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT   16.1. The Products and/or Services are limited to people who have registered for the Products and/or Services.

16.2. The Client will not publish, broadcast, disclose, communicate to the public, or assist another to do the same in respect of, the identity, likeness or actual or paraphrased comments of anyone who participates, leads, assists or is otherwise involved in the Products and/or Services.

16.3. The Client recognises that any breach of confidentiality may cause Beliefs Shiifters Denmark and/or other clients irreparable and substantial harm even though it may be impossible to ascertain the full monetary extent of their financial loss.   16.4. Nothing in this Contract is intended to limit the Client from sharing their experience of the Products and/or Services with anyone. 

16.5. Nothing in this Contract is intended to limit Beliefs Shiifters Denmark from sharing results and any testimonials (written or by video) in relation to the Products and/or Services, for any reason (including to promote the business of Beliefs Shiifters Denmark) with anyone by any means.


17.1. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark is committed to providing high quality Products and/or Services.

17.2. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark has a written complaints procedure in place to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly and promptly. A copy of Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s complaints procedure can be obtained upon request.


18.1. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark reserves the right to alter or cancel published dates and change venues without any liability whatsoever.

18.2. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark reserves the right to make changes to the programs, services, products, speakers or venue should that be necessary.

18.3. From the date the contract commences, any behaviour displayed by the Client that Beliefs Shiifters Denmark deems as disruptive, disrespectful, threatening, abusive or untenable in anyway (to the sole discretion of Beliefs Shiifters Denmark), either in person, via email, via social media or any other forms of means of communication, either directed at Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s other clients, Beliefs Shiifters Denmark team members or associates, may result in the Client being denied access to all aspects of the Products and/or Services, including but not limited to online support, Facebook groups, live events or coaching calls. All remaining fees would remain payable and any monies for the Products and/or Services will be non-refundable.

18.4. The Client agrees that Beliefs Shiifters Denmark has not made any promise, guarantee, or other representation with respect to the Client’s future incomes or gains resulting from the provision of the Product and/or Service, and that the Client has not been induced to enter the Contract as a result of any alleged promise, guarantee or representation.

18.5. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark 100% guarantee for the Client that our method will work if the Client implements everything the way we lay it out for them. If the Client has followed our system and implemented everything the way we lay it out, completing their Business Update form every week so we can support the Client’s progress, and the Client can’t get prospective clients coming to them then Beliefs Shiifters Denmark will continue to work with the Client until they do.

18.6. These Conditions supersede any previous arrangement with your concerning their subject matter.

Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s Private Policy

Beliefs Shiifters Denmark Privacy Policy:

Beliefs Shiifters Denmark Limited (“Beliefs Shiifters Denmark”, “us”, “we” or “our”) is committed to respecting your privacy and to complying with applicable data protection and privacy laws.
You can visit our websites without disclosing any personally identifiable information about yourself (although please note that we may use cookies and collect other non-personally identifiable information about your browsing activity – see our cookie policy for detailed information).
If you do submit personal information by ordering products, services, registering for an event or completing a web form registration, for example, you can be assured that we will use your personal information only to support your continuing relationship with Beliefs Shiifters Denmark.
We have provided this Privacy Policy Statement to help you understand how we collect, use and protect your information when you visit our websites and when you generally use our products and services.
We wish to help you make informed decisions, so please take a few moments to read the sections below and learn how we may use your personal information.
Personal Information Collection
We endeavour to collect and use your personal information only with your knowledge and consent and typically when you order and subsequently use products and services, make customer enquiries, register for an event, register for information or other services, request product information, submit a job application or when you respond to communications from us (such as questionnaires or surveys).
The type of personal information we may collect could include, for example, your name and postal address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, and credit/debit card information; lifestyle and other information collected on registration or through surveys.
If you choose to provide us with personal information it will be used in support of the intended purposes stated at the time at which it was collected, and subject to any preferences indicated by you.
Non-personal Identifying Information
We may also collect non-personally identifying information about your visit to our websites based on your browsing activities. This information may include the pages you browse and products and services viewed or ordered for example. This helps us to better manage and develop our sites, to provide you with a more enjoyable, customised service and experience in the future, and to help us develop and deliver better products and services tailored to your individual interests and needs.
From time to time, if you consented accordingly we may also store and use your information to contact you for market research and marketing purposes. We may contact you by email, phone or mail.
How will we use your information?
We may use your information for a number of purposes which includes: processing your orders and managing and administering your account; delivering any services, products or information requested by you; responding to complaints or account enquiries; administering debt recoveries; verifying your identity when required (you may lose your password or security information for example, and we may then need to ask you for other ‘identifiable’ information to protect your data from unauthorised access).
We may also undertake market and product analysis based on your use of our services and products and contact you with information about new developments, products, services and special offers by post, telephone, and automated means such as mobile text message (SMS), WhatsApp, Email and the internet (subject to any preferences expressed by you).
If you have consented to receive details of products and services, events and training you can contact us at any time to have your details removed from lists used by us for any or all of those purposes or from lists maintained by our headhunting division, to update your information or to otherwise tell us how you would like to receive information about our and/or third party products and services – the choice is yours.
To update your marketing preferences please email faktura@beliefsshiifters.dk and quote your full name in the body of the email and tell us what you want us to do (i.e. ‘opt-out Email’, ‘opt-out SMS’ etc or if you have previously objected to receiving information by post for example, but would now like to change your mind and receive information then just say, ‘opt-in post’ in the subject header of your email).
When will we disclose your information to others?
We may only disclose information about you and contact details to (i) companies within the Beliefs Shiifters Denmark for the purposes and subject always to the terms of this Privacy Policy Statement; (ii) in the event that we undergo re-organisation or are sold to a third party, in which case you agree that any personal information we hold about you may be transferred to that re-organised entity or third party for the purposes and subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy Statement
Please note that Beliefs Shiifters Denmark does not sell or pass your personal information to third parties (other than as set out in the paragraph above) unless you have given us permission or unless it is strictly necessary to deliver the products and services ordered or used by you and you are notified beforehand.
For example, we may disclose your data to a credit card company to validate your credit card details and obtain payment when you buy a phone or other product or service.
Beliefs Shiifters Denmark may also be obliged to disclose your personal information to meet any legal or regulatory requirements (for example to comply with a court order) or obligations in accordance with applicable law.
Social media, blogs, reviews
Any social media posts or comments you send to us (on the Beliefs Shiifters Denmark Facebook pages or associated pages, for instance) will be shared under the terms of the relevant social media platform (e.g. Facebook / Twitter) on which they are written and could be made public.
Other people, not us, control these platforms. We are not responsible for this kind of sharing. We recommend you should review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the social media platforms you use. That way, you will understand how they will use your information, what information relating to you they will place in the public domain, and how you can stop them from doing so if you are unhappy about it.
Any blog, review or other posts or comments you make about us, our products and services on any of our blogs, reviews or user community services will be shared with all other members of that service and the public at large. Any comments you make on these services and on social media in general must be not offensive, insulting or defamatory. You are responsible for ensuring that any comments you make comply with any relevant policy on acceptable use of those services.
How long do we keep your information for?
To make sure we meet our legal data protection and privacy obligations, we only hold on to your information for as long as we actually need it for the purposes we acquired it for in the first place.
In most cases, this means we will keep your information for as long as you continue to use our services having expressed interest in them, and for a reasonable period of time afterwards if you stop doing so, to see if we can persuade you to come back to us. After that we will delete it other than where we lawfully can keep any data for audit or legal reasons.
We shall keep data on our prospect database for not longer than 5 years from receipt subject to an individual’s right to unsubscribe or be forgotten at any time.
Access to your Information
You can write to us at any time to obtain details of the personal information we may hold about you. Please write to: faktura@beliefsshiifters.dk or Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, Aavej 36, 4040 Jyllinge, Denmark. 
Please quote your name and address together with your mobile and/or email address (if relevant). We would be grateful if could also provide brief details of what information you want a copy of (this helps us to more readily locate your data).
We will take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before providing you with details of any personal information we may hold about you.
Information Security
Beliefs Shiifters Denmark recognises that its customers are increasingly concerned about how companies protect personal information from misuse and abuse and about privacy in general. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark is constantly reviewing and enhancing its technical, physical and managerial procedures and rules to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, accidental loss and/or destruction. We use industry standard TLS certificates to provide encryption of data in transit, for example, all access to Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s websites and management portals is covered by HTTPS.
Please be aware that communications over the Internet, such as emails/webmails, are not secure unless they have been encrypted. Your communications may route through a number of countries before being delivered – this is the nature of the World Wide Web/Internet. Beliefs Shiifters Denmark cannot accept responsibility for any unauthorised access or loss of personal information that is beyond our control.
Privacy Support
Beliefs Shiifters Denmark reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy Statement at any time and in response to changes in applicable data protection and privacy legislation.
If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on our website so you know what information we collect and how we use it. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will tell you. You will have a choice as to whether or not we are able to use your information in this different manner.
If you have any enquiry about Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s privacy policy or practices, please write to: Beliefs Shiifters Denmark, Aavej 36, 4040 Jyllinge, Denmark or send an email to: info@championacademy.co.uk
Monitoring and or recording of all your Communications
Monitoring or recording of your calls, emails, text messages and other communications may take place in accordance with UK law, and in particular for business purposes, such as for quality control and training, to prevent unauthorised use of Beliefs Shiifters Denmark’s websites, to ensure effective systems operation and in order to prevent or detect crime.
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